Peer Review Process

Lembuswana Law Review (LLR) is an academic journal dedicated to publishing the latest research in various branches of law, including criminal law, civil law, constitutional law, agrarian law, and others. The journal aims to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and researchers to share their knowledge and experiences in the field of law.

Peer review is a crucial stage in the journal publication process. Every article submitted to the Lembuswana Law Review (LLR) undergoes a rigorous and independent peer review process before it can be published. This process involves experts in the relevant field who serve as reviewers to evaluate the article thoroughly. Here are the stages of the peer review process for Lembuswana Law Review (LLR):

  1. Article Submission Authors wishing to publish their articles in Lembuswana Law Review (LLR) are expected to submit their complete articles through our journal management system. The submitted articles will be reviewed to ensure their compliance with the journal's guidelines and suitability for the peer review stage.

  2. Initial Assessment Upon receipt, the editorial team of Lembuswana Law Review (LLR) will conduct an initial assessment of the article. This assessment includes checking for compliance with the journal's writing guidelines and the suitability of the article for the peer review stage.

  3. Reviewer Assignment Articles that pass the initial assessment will be assigned to reviewers who have expertise in the relevant branch of law. The appointed reviewers are independent experts in the field of law and possess relevant research experience.

  4. Peer Review Reviewers will evaluate the article in detail, including the accuracy of the methodology, consistency of the results, alignment with relevant literature, and the research's contribution to the relevant field of law. Reviewers will also provide feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticism to the authors to enhance the article's quality.

  5. Evaluation and Decision After the peer review process is completed, reviewers will submit their assessment reports to the editorial team. The editorial team will evaluate these reports and make the final decision regarding the publication of the article. The decision can be:

    • Accepted without revisions
    • Accepted with minor/major revisions
    • Rejected
  6. Revision and Publication If the article is accepted with revisions, the authors are requested to make the necessary improvements based on the feedback and suggestions from the reviewers. After the revisions are completed, the article will be re-evaluated by the editorial team before finally being published in Lembuswana Law Review (LLR).

This rigorous peer review process aims to maintain the quality and accuracy of the articles published in Lembuswana Law Review (LLR). We are committed to promoting high-quality research and contributing to the development of the field of law.