
  • Norrafika Safitri Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
  • Ali Ismail Shaleh Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau


Dualism of Authority, Investigation, Corruption Criminal


Corruption in Indonesia Its development continues to increase from year to year. Corruption has become an extraordinary crime. Thus efforts to eradicate it can no longer be carried out in an ordinary way, but are demanded in an extraordinary way. Therefore, the roles of the KPK and POLRI are required to be more effective and synergize with each other. This study aims to determine the function and authority of investigating and investigating criminal acts of corruption by the KPK and POLRI as well as coordination and supervision arrangements. This article is a Normative Juridical Research. The results of this study show that in carrying out investigations and investigations of corruption crimes the KPK and POLRI have one function and authority that supports and complements each other, Law Number 30 of 2002 provides legitimacy for the function of the KPK as a mobilizing and empowering institution that already exists in the eradication of corruption crimes (trigger mechanism). And in law enforcement, the KPK and Polri should be conducive counter partners so that the eradication of corruption can be carried out efficiently and effectively. The cooperation of the KPK with the police and prosecutors as stipulated in the provisions of the regulation, shows that the KPK in exercising its special authority is different from the authority of the police and prosecutor's office. The KPK does not exercise this extraordinary special authority authoritatively in combating corruption, but it still requires cooperation with the police and prosecutors even though the authority of each agency is different. Thus, with the cooperation between the KPK and the police and prosecutors in eradicating corruption crimes, there are no more clashes or overlaps between the authority of the KPK which has this special authority and the authority of the police in enforcing corruption eradication laws in Indonesia, so that the eradication of corruption can be carried out effectively and efficiently.




How to Cite

Safitri, N. ., & Shaleh, A. I. . (2023). DUALISM OF AUTHORITY OF INVESTIGATION AND INVESTIGATION CORRUPTION CRIMINAL ACTS IN INDONESIA. Lembuswana Law Review, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://journallembuswana.umkt.ac.id/index.php/LLR/article/view/8