Legal Enforcement Against Political Parties as Subjects of Corruption Crime in Indonesia


  • Norrafika Safitri Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Hikmah Amalia Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia


Law Enforcement, Political Parties, Corruption


Law enforcement regarding criminal and administrative accountability of political parties has not been regulated in the National Law, so that so far only individual political parties have been prosecuted. On the other hand, we all know that political parties can be said to enjoy the proceeds of corruption from their party members to fund party activities. This article aims to examine law enforcement against political parties as legal subjects for criminal acts of corruption in Indonesia using normative research. The results of the analysis show that political parties are the same as corporations. This is viewed from the characteristic and conceptual aspects of existing legislative provisions, namely the law on eradicating criminal acts of corruption and the law on political parties. Regarding the accountability that can be requested from corporations that are proven to have committed acts of corruption, it refers to the Criminal Code except for the death penalty, imprisonment and imprisonment. Apart from that, the law on eradicating criminal acts of corruption also regulates the imposition of a maximum fine plus one third. In relation to corruption committed by political parties, additional punishment is required which the judge can impose in the form of a reduction in state financial assistance to political parties, a ban on participating in elections, or the dissolution of political parties




How to Cite

Safitri, N., & Amalia, H. . (2023). Legal Enforcement Against Political Parties as Subjects of Corruption Crime in Indonesia. Lembuswana Law Review, 1(2), 93–102. Retrieved from