The Juridical Review Of Efforts To Eradicate The Crime Of Plagiarism Of Scientific Writing In Indonesia


  • Imtikhan Anas Shob'ron Anas Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Crime, Plagiarism, Scientific Writing


Currently the practice of plagiarism has already become a habit in achieving something you want. And even worse, there are many students whose lives depend on this practice. This then becomes the background of the question in this research, namely: how are efforts to prevent and overcome the occurrence of the crime of plagiarism of scientific papers among students? This study aims to find out how efforts to deal with criminal acts of plagiarism of scientific papers. This type of research is normative juridical research, using a statutory approach. The basis of the theory that the author uses is using the theory of relative (deterrence). The results of this study indicate that Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, plagiarism that can be punished is punishable under the provisions of Article 70, namely regarding Article 25 paragraph (2), that graduates in tertiary institutions whose scientific work is proven to be plagiarized have their title revoked. However, provisions regarding graduation requirements and degree revocation are further regulated by government regulations, namely Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 17 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Management of Plagiarism in Higher Education. Efforts made to prevent the occurrence of the crime of plagiarism of scientific writing is by increasing the ability of teachers/supervisors, students regarding the substance of research ethics.




How to Cite

Anas, I. A. S. (2023). The Juridical Review Of Efforts To Eradicate The Crime Of Plagiarism Of Scientific Writing In Indonesia . Lembuswana Law Review, 1(2), 1–20. Retrieved from