Policy on Non-Timber Forest Products in the Tourism Sector Based on Utilitarianisme


  • Nur Kholik Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Fithriatus Shalihah Magister of Law Programe, Faculty of Law, Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia


Non Timber Forest Products, Tourism Sector, tilitarianisme


Non-Timber Forest Products or Non-Timber Forest Products (HHBK) from forests other than timber in the area are considered very important. The issue of NTFPs in the environmental services sector in the form of ecotourism needs to be explicitly regulated in law, only in terms of Administration. The NTFP policy is only regulated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, so Indonesia needs regulations for higher-level ecotourism NTFPs hierarchically. The policy regulating NTFPs and strengthening NTFPs in ​​NTFP products should be considered essential and have significant benefits for state and regional income. Therefore, the potential of NTFPs for large forest areas can be exploited and utilized by communities within forest areas. So, the central and regional governments must refocus on utilizing NTFPs in state forests and forests managed by communities in the regions. The problem raised by the author is how to analyze the Non-Timber Forest Products Policy in Natural Resource Management in Indonesia Based on Legal Benefits. This research method is normative legal research by examining policy regulations by the Government in managing forest natural resources. The approach used is the statute approach and the concept approach. Data analysis in this research examines primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials, which are then analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods to describe the results obtained in this study.




How to Cite

Kholik, N., & Shalihah , F. . (2023). Policy on Non-Timber Forest Products in the Tourism Sector Based on Utilitarianisme. Lembuswana Law Review, 1(2), 55–79. Retrieved from https://journallembuswana.umkt.ac.id/index.php/LLR/article/view/12